Radio-SkyPipe Help

Remote Administration

(Pro Edition Only)

The remote administration feature allows you to perform many functions on a Radio-SkyPipe installation located at a remote point on your network or even on the other side of the world via the internet. The remote installation does not have to be a server, it simply has to be set up with the following:

To Log In to the remote installation click Admin/ Login Remote. The screen below appears.

The IP address, Port, and Password of the remote installation must be filled in the appropriate boxes at the top of the screen. Click the Save button to retain these settings.

Click the Log In button.

Using Profiles to Manipulate Remote Parameters

To manipulate the wide range of possible options on the remote installation Profiles are used. Profiles are text files which the program can read to pick up settings. To create a profile, you can set up SkyPipe on your local computer exactly the way you want the remote installation to be set up. The do File / Save Profile and give the Profile some applicable name. The file must be saved with the spp extension. You can now load and send the Profile to the remote installation. The remote installation will save these settings as defaults. Use the Load/Send Profile button on the Remote Administration screen to do this.

You may also view the profile of the remote by clicking the Profile button above the white Profile display box. The Save Profile button saves to the hard drive any profile shown loaded in the Profile display box. This allows you to cache a local copy of the remotes Profile, load it on your local PC, and modify the settings.

Session Logs contain useful information about the activities of the SkyPipe installation. Press the Session Log button above the yellow display box to retrieve the remote's current Session Log.

Remote Status information is retrieved automatically at certain times, such as when you log in. You may update this at any time by pressing the Remote status button above the green display box.

Remote Functions

You may change modes and perform tasks like starting, connecting, and publishing using the controls in the remote functions panel. Go slowly between operations as it may some time for the remote to respond.



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